Australian Clothes Brush

One of the hardest parts of completing an Empire webbing collection is getting all the items of small kit you need to fill out the packs and haversacks. These sort of items were produced in country, used and disposed of overseas and very few seem to have made their way to the UK. In the past I have had a lot of success with my Indian kit, and I am now slowly working on my WW2 South African, Canadian and Australian small kit. Today we are taking a look at an Australian Clothes brush:

This brush is identical to that produced and issued in the UK, with the black painted back indicating that it is for clothes. The Australian origin can be confirmed by the D/|\D mark on the edge for Department of Defence:

I suspect that getting a full set of Australian personal kit will take me many years, however it is always a bit of a thrill when I get another little piece of the puzzle like this.

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