Halifax Royal Navy and Royal Marine’s Badge

My thanks go to my father for permission to post a small item from his collection tonight. The Royal Naval Association was formed to bring together various old comrades association in 1950. Prior to that date Royal Navy old comrades associations were formed at a local level, acting independently of one another and this little badge is for the Halifax Royal Navy and Royal Marines Association:FullSizeRenderThis is a small enamelled lapel badge, with the white ensign and anchor in the centre and would have been worn on a lounge suit lapel. As with so many of these items it is hard to date exactly, but I would suspect it dates to between the wars.

An attempt had been made to form a National Old Comrades association in the late 1930s, its aims were set out as:

I. To perpetuate the Comradeship which began in the Service.
2. Foster good fellowship.
3. Render Service to one another.
4. Encourage and promote social gatherings amongst ex- Naval personnel.
The Association is non-political,
Obligations of Members:- The only obligation is that every member undertakes to do everything in his power to assist ex- Naval men in obtaining civil employment.
Membership.-Membership of the Association is open to all Officers, N .C. Officers and ratings (past and present) who have been attached for a period of not less than twelve months’ definite duty, lent or gazetted, transferred to or enlisted in the Royal Navy, Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Marines, Royal
Naval Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Royal Naval Division and the Dominion and Colonial Naval Forces.
Serving personnel are also eligible to join the Association. Organisation:- The organisation consists of a Central Committee, a Headquarters Roll and Branches. The policy of the Association is to expand Branch development as membership increases. .
Subscriptions :- £ s. d.
Annual Membership .. .. .. 2 /6
Entrance Fee .. .. .. 1 /-
Badge .. .. .. 1/ –
Membership Badge.-The Association Badge is issued on enrolment and is numbered and registered. The Badge is the property of the Association, and is to be returned on recipient ceasing to be a member. If there is no Branch in your district, join the Headquarters Roll and transfer to a Branch later, if you so desire.
Branches: Bucks, Aldershot, Central London, Liverpool, Isle of Thanet, Tower Hamlets (London), Edmonton, Kingston-on- Thames, Dublin, Welling, Kent, St. Helens (Lancs.), Dagenham, Windsor. Further particulars may be obtained from the
Hon. General Secretary, Mr. Thos. Oakley, 16 Tring Road, Wendover, Aylesbury, Bucks.

As can be seen, at this date, Halifax was not affiliated with them. This attempt at a national organisation seems to have stalled when war broke out, it would be 1950 before the present RNA was formed, it is still in operation today with branches across the country.

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