Royal Artillery Group Photo

It has been a while since we looked at a group photograph of a regiment. It has long been a tradition to have a photograph taken of all the men and officers in a unit as a record of who was in the unit at that point in time. These photographs were then available to buy by the men of the unit and so they come up fairly regularly amongst old collections of photographs. Today we are taking a look at an example depicting a unit of the Royal Artillery:

The men here are all men, or NCOs. The NCOs are seated in the centre and interestingly the only one wearing collar dogs in the sergeant, with lance corporals seated on either side:

I believe this postcard dates from the interwar period. The men wear service dress with white lanyards on the right shoulder and 1903 pattern leather belts, note how the men on the front row are seated on army blankets on the cobbles:

These men are mounted artillerymen, as can be seen by the breaches and the spurs with lace protectors worn by each man.

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